Madonna Magazine

Author: David Braithwaite

If there are more than 100 matches, only the first 100 are displayed here.

    The joy of being still

    Fr David Braithwaite SJ. 01 July 2021

    There is much we can learn from the elderly who know how to listen well and quietly practise their faith.


    True leadership

    David Braithwaite SJ

    Church leaders need courage and faith to build creative ways of reaching those on the margins.


    Help for the broken-hearted

    Fr David Braithwaite SJ

    Recognising the fundamental unity of body and mind, the Sacred Heart is a devotion of healing for all pain.


    Faith in an age of melancholy

    Fr David Braithwaite SJ

    In today’s debate about the worth of heroes, the Catholic tradition can hold both heroes and victims because Christ is both.


    Engagement with the world

    David Braithwaite SJ. 02 March 2020

    The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network works to integrate the digital reality of modern-day life with the incarnated nature of the Catholic faith.


    What the young have to teach us

    David Braithwaite SJ

    The Australian Church needs to form and promote strategies to engage and encourage the innate generosity of its younger members.


    Catholic paradox

    David Braithwaite SJ. 06 May 2019

    When celebrating Mass it can be difficult to remember the beautiful liturgy celebrates an act of shocking vileness.


    The gains of losing yourself

    David Braithwaite SJ

    The Christian mission requires the same spirit of creativity and adaptation that drives the entrepreneur.


    Forgiveness through God's grace

    David Braithwaite SJ. 10 March 2017

    The Apostleship of Prayer is Pope Francis’ worldwide prayer network. It receives monthly prayer intentions from the Pope and urges Christians throughout the world to unite in prayer for those intentions. Thus we all become part of an international Community of Prayer


    Nostalgia and memory

    David Braithwaite. 10 March 2017

    The process of memory is such a complex field of human existence that it is difficult to know where to begin in trying to grasp its conceptual slipperiness. And yet it is hard to find a more basic element in our lives than they way the past is present to us in the here and now


    Apostleship of prayer

    David Braithwaite SJ. 10 March 2017

    Pope Francis’ worldwide prayer networkThe Apostleship of Prayer receives monthly prayer intentions from the Pope and urges Christians throughout the world to unite in prayer for those intentions. Thus we all become part of an international Community of Prayer


    Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network

    David Braithwaite SJ. 09 March 2017

    Homo homini lupus – ‘man is a wolf unto man’ – is one of those lapidary phrases that has been passed down to us in a most interesting lineage. Originating with Plautus, the Roman poet, and approvingly cited by Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan, and later by his spiritual heir Sigmund Freud in his Civilisation and its Discontents, it is a phrase that captures a deeply pessimistic, and sadly, popular view of human nature